Gloppen Innovative Activity Facility
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Gloppen, Norway
Process Management, Urban Sports Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture
Vestland County

Curve Studio, commissioned by Vestland County Municipality, has developed a preliminary project for the further development of the Trivselshagen swimming and sports facility in Sandane, located in Gloppen Municipality. The assignment is part of the "Innovative Activity Facilities" project and is carried out in collaboration with the Danish foundation Lokale og Anlægsfonden. "Innovative Activity Facilities" is a targeted initiative focusing on simple, local meeting places with varied and attractive low-threshold opportunities for physical activity. The project has been based on the needs of the local community, and effective user involvement processes have been central to its implementation. The conclusions from the feedback meetings, combined with knowledge from current research on the design of activity facilities for children and young people, have formed the basis for the design of the preliminary project. The overarching vision of Gloppen Municipality for the project has served as both inspiration and a guiding principle throughout the work.

"Trivselshallen - the meeting place where we together create an inclusive everyday life characterized by activity and diversity." Gloppen Councils vision for the project.

Gloppen Innovative Activity Facility